Tim R. Parker boasts an impressive career as an executive leader, labour relations and employment law professional neutral. He served as COO as the first Director and Registrar of the Ontario Labour Relations Board in its over 80 year history, and held the position of Senior Mediator with the Ontario Ministry of Labour and the OLRB. Presently, Tim is a sought-after public and private sector mediator, adjudicator, referee, and investigator in Canada and the USA. Additionally, he provides C-suite management services to professional service firms and businesses.
Mr. Parker is widely recognized as an expert in labour relations, dispute resolution, litigation management, and administrative justice. His exceptional knowledge and experience have earned him the reputation of being the "go-to" person for best business practices for workplace Tribunals, Boards, and Commissions throughout North America.
Tim is a highly experienced mediator who specializes in employment and labour relations matters including, wrongful dismissal, human rights, grievances, collective bargaining, and labor board matters. He possesses a profound knowledge of employment and labor laws, navigating the complexities that exist across various jurisdictions and borders.
Mr. Parker is also an experienced law firm COO and Management Consultant with extensive experience in delivering high-caliber C-suite level services and guidance across diverse industries.
As an expert in employment and labour law, dispute resolution, and litigation management,
I can tell you this:
Litigation is costly, inefficient, emotional, unpredictable, and often - unnecessary.
I have devoted my career to providing a responsive, modern and value apparent approach to the resolution of employment and business issues. In fact, I directed the resolution of more than 100k legal cases at the most sophisticated and effective adjudicative tribunal on the continent.
As a public and private sector Mediator and Adjudicator, I have helped settled thousands of claims involving individual and collective employment-based rights, across jurisdictions and borders.
As an experienced COO and accomplished executive leader, I provide C-suite leadership to law firms and private businesses in Canada and the USA.
My Experience is Broad.
My Approach is Informed.
My Perspective is Optimal.

Tim R. Parker
Parker Mediation-Arbitration
Direct (Toronto, ON Can) | +1 416-602-5404
Direct (WPB, Florida, US) | +1 561-602-3457
Email | tim@parkermedarb.com
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